Saturday, April 14, 2007

Sasquatch Hunters

sasquatch hunters
The Details:
Director: Fred Tepper
Runtime: 88 minutes
Country: USA
Color: Color
Studio: Sony
Certification: R (but only because they say the word "F%$*" about 47 times for absolutely no reason, besides exciting 13 year-olds?)

The Review:
It's hard to begin this review. Hell, it's hard to begin, continue, and end this review. The easiest part of the entire process will be giving Sasquatch Hunters a rating.

Story: Extremely large group of people go into the woods looking for "something". "Something" eats a lot of them.

Even the worst of the worst B-monster flicks, including the ones churned out very quickly and very cheaply by more modern techniques, have at LEAST 2 storylines going on. This movie has just the one. It attempts a second by creating intrigue
regarding the history of the legendary beast(s), but neither presents a problem, nor a solution. Therefore, we are left with only the situations happening on the screen. Those situations include: Sasquatch jumping on people. Sasquatchi being gunned down. Co-ed college ranger taking shower in bikini. Sasquatch grabbing old man by head. Sasquatch hanging body from a tree. Sasquatch burying it's dead.

Lemme tell you why SH is a horrid wretch of an experience (especially as a B movie). It is neither good, nor bad. It is neither funny, nor sad. It is neither Hawaiian, nor plaid.

The acting is not bad. The writing is not bad. The effects are not bad. The sets/lighting/costumes/camera work/casting/etc/etc are not bad. In other words, you will neither chuckle nor roll your eyes. I can't think of a worse way to spend an hour and a half.

I can't say anything more about Sasquatch Hunters, for fear that I might put more time into a review OF the movie, than the production team spent preparing FOR the movie. I can't even bring myself to mock the film, possibly a first in the history of this Breviewer.

I'll simply end by stating: stay as far away from this film as you possibly can.

HUMOR?: Only if you love Scooby-doo, and the word F*&k.
Who thought this was appropriate?
Sasquatch slams a guy against a tree by the ankles.

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