Directed By: Alvin Ecarma
Also Known As: Alvin Ecarma's Lethal Force (USA) (promotional title)
Country: USA
Language: English
Color: Color
The Review:
If there is one movie genre that never ceases to amaze me with sheer stupidity, it is not is B-Action. Something about the muscle bound pretty boys like Jean Cleade Van Damme and the painfully persistent Steven Seagal running around killing hooligan after hooligan of multi-millionaire drug-lord after multi-millionaire drug-lord drives me bonkers. Maybe it's just me. But one good thing came out of this relentless stream of nonsense, and that is the nearly perfect B-Action Spinoff Lethal Force.
So unlike many of my other recent reviews where I begin trash talking in the second paragraph, I am instead going to start giggling like a little school boy as I attempt to express just how bad-fucking-ass Lethal Force really is.
First and foremost, The plot is perfect for an action flick: Good guy must kill bad guy, with plenty of interesting and humorous subplots along the way. The picture quality and overall color scheme is straight out of the late 80's/early 90's. The music fits every scene to a T, ranging from cheesy single note hits on the synthesizer, touching piano, to all out Spy-Hunter style bass driven rock. And to top it all off, it's all wrapped nicely in hand painted cover art. Yessums.
The characters throughout Lethal Force are all unique, memorable, and get plenty of time in the spotlight. The main characters Jack and Savitch (played by Frank Prather and Cash Flagg Jr, respectively) are definitely the film's main highlights, but there are plenty of sweet and silly bad guys decked out in cheesy 80's Miami Vice style suits to keep things lively. The coolest bad guys would most definitely have to be the black suit and tie wearing martial arts maniacs with the ghostly white masks. Once these guys are on the screen you know you are in for a treat!
Really there isn't anything negative to say about Lethal Force. The action is tight, the acting is cheesy, and it had us laughing from start to finish. All I hope is that Sir Alvin D. Ecarma will enlighten us with another no-holds-B-arred action extravaganza such as this!
In fact, it's soooooooo good, if you watch Lethal Force and don't have a BLAST you might as well never visit again...because we sure as hell ain't gonna get along. A+++
P.O.I.N.T.L.E.S.S.: A definite rewind moment!
'NAM: Just when you thought it reached its peak.
EVERYTHING: The model B-Action movie.
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